Thursday, November 01, 2007

Happy Halloween!

I was home this year to greet my little trick or treaters lastnight! I had fairy princesses, goblins, super heros, and lots of smiles come to my front door! I gave out Clark bars, but then I ran out! I was misinformed on how many trick or treaters there are in the neighborhood! So luckily I had sheets of stickers from a promotion I did with Whole Foods and CHOP, even some Mr Yuck stickers, lol! So I gave them out in place of candy....most of the kids were soo excited to receive the stickers! I am sure they will remember the house that gives out stickers for Halloween, next year. I am sure parents are be happy that there is less candy to hide for them.

The Halloween costume party after Worlds was a blast! The big orange things are "swim buoys", it was Julie Dibens and Sam Gardner under them...sweating up a storm. Julie won Worlds and Sam is a professional triathlete as well. He is a British FF! They both have an excellent sense of humor!
Talk about sense of humor, Courtney and Anthony were the funniest and best costume of the night. They performed for us too! They won airline tickets to Hawaii! They were dressed as the skaters in Blades of Glory. Reina designed and made their costumes!