So if you are planning to race me at anytime, you can pretty much bet that I will come in 6th, or maybe you want to place a bet on me?? I am dead ringer for 6th.
Lap #1: (1:05) out there for about 5 mins and the sport race was let loose on the enduro riders. hmmm. not good (and we saw it coming) After that I had no rhythm on my riding. I couldn't ride my race and was right into frustration. So to help keep me focus, I vowed to stay within my heart rate zone and to never max out. The course was soo gewy..and the mud is caking in my front tire, the back one slips on some logs as I hop over them. I am all over the joint! and yes, I stopped to help a friend with a flat. I felt like a rookie out there.
Lap#2: (1:07). Oh this course, again? I still have riders coming up..passing...mostly the furious sport class. The sport women have caught me. I saw Linda, Susan, Kathleen, but didn't see Lynn. I saw some other competitors too, couldn't help but wonder where I would have fell amongst the pack, if I wasn't so darn focused on keeping my heart rate lower than 180. Heading into the water tunnel for the second time, there is a little bridge at the end of it and then a bit of an ascend to the fields, you can choose 2 ways to ascend: 1- go left and bike thru the thick mud pile, or 2-go right and hop up & over a thick root. I chose option 2 and failed.. and then fell into option 1 b/c I couldn't clip out. The guy man'n the tunnel ran over to me and saw the whole thing. I was COVERED in MUD, STINKY DELAWARE MUD! I almost pulled out of the race right there because I couldn't stand the smell of the mud! I really don't give a blip of what people think or how many times people commented to me about the look of my fall or how muddy I was.....honestly, I don't care... you should have been thankful I didn't give a you muddy hug!...but the smell, I cared about.... I was gag'n! I had to walk the bike to think this through. The 'enduro race' just became MENTAL. its me, of course I am keeping on & moving forward! "the mud will dry and the mud will protect me from the sun." (I have to say my skin is really smooth right now too). I came into the pit stop to rid of my camelback, and p/u my gatorade bottle. I have people coming up to me and asking me stuff (I really didn't want to have a chat with anyone.. wanted to grab and go)...but my friend Susan asked me what she could get me, I said "psychological therapy, please".
Lap #3: (1:07) I think I cursed this lap out the entire way. "I hate this race" "I hate this state" "I hate mountain biking" " I hate mountain bike racing" "I hate training" "I hate racing" "I hate mud" "I rocks" "I hate that I am slow" "I hate that I can't clear this section"....I am going to the beach after this ... screw this Granola race! I should be in a jacuzzi at the shore sipping champagne. I am too much of a girlie girl to have this many cuts, scrapes, bruises, mud, and blood on me!...ok, 1 more to go!
Lap #4: (1:04)My lower back is seizing up on me. I am mentally spent... I can't hate anything anymore. I have succumb to this course. I cleared some sections, rode some hills, and picked up speed where I normally didn't in the first 3 laps. I pushed my muscles thru the fatigue, I pushed my mind thru acceptance, The mud is now dry dirt, and the finish line is waiting to be crossed. I did it, its done. I didn't care where I placed (at the time of finishing). I never kept my heart rate beating btwn 169-184bpm for 4 1/2 hrs. I never rode 30 miles on a mountain bike before. Its about facing the challenge, completing it, and then "moving forward".
I went to the pool afterwards, I spent more time showering off the muck before I entered the pool, than swimming in the pool! I am hoping the swim will help with the recovery process.
Susan took 2nd for the Sport women's race and brought her whole family to the race which was really cool. Her husband raced mtb for the first time and so did her 4 kids. They all did a great job!
Kathleen made it back to the race after her knee injury from a training ride. She flatted and Andy Lowe stopped to help her fix it to finish the race with a 7th place finish.
Linda was in third place, but decided to pull out because she wasn't feeling well.
Lyn took 9th place. This is her first time back at this race for almost 3 yrs. We are soo glad she raced it!