Wednesday, February 24, 2010

XTERRA Ambassador 2010

"You have been carefully hand selected to participate in the TEAM XTERRA Ambassador program. By agreeing to the following you will be an invaluable part of the XTERRA team"
I am so excited for the 2010 year! I LOVE MY XTERRA RACING!! And to be recognized among the best athletes at the sport of XTERRA, the race I love to do, is truly an honor! Think about what you love to do, and you are in the top 10% in the world? If you pick up what I am putting down, then you "get it".
So where do I begin for 2010??
XTERRA!!! I deprived myself of these races in 2009 for my first "IM"... and all I can say is "what the hell was I thinking???" I really missed being on the trails ( I was on the trails somewhat, but not as much as I did in the past seasons, especially the Mid- Atlantic Super Series). I really missed the 2 loops of swimming mixed in with a run in between. I missed the bloody rocks. the twisty turns, roots, logs, the "hike with the bike", stomping, sloppy conditions, scraping dirt out of the front derailure, scrape mud out of the rear derailure! I missed being on the trails, period! I trained for IM on the road, and found an outlet here, but there is no outlet that can sub for the trails.. anywhere! I even took on the "sweeper" for the XC races for our Philadelphia CYO (kids from 5-14 yrs old) meets at Belmont, just to get back on my mtn bikes! I was a child therapist on a mountain bike. we'll let just say,... the kids who I was sweeping in, were there b/c of their parents (and thats fine, but parents after 3 meets if your kid is holding up the next race AND NOT IMPROVING his/her race time, then its time to pull out... jus sayin' ...and I am coach too!)
I found a new perspective on IM racing, but XTERRA racing takes an athlete of skill, balance, speed, and endurance. A true test of athleticism.
so I am back to tell all... to give you the latest on my races for 2010... I wont miss a max heart beat...