This past weekend, I had hosted athletes Candy Angle and Andrew Noble. 2 athletes extremely dedicated to their sport. I find myself in a very fortunate to position to have them in my life. I am a athlete who loves to compete, although in the past, found myself frustrated with training and time management as life gets more complicated. Candy and Andy are my coaches, and have been since September 2007. They have helped me balance my training and also helped me achieve my athletic goals.
Why do we "workout", "train", race, eat, sleep, work, ....if we don't have a PURPOSE for it? We can be spinning our wheels and go nowhere or we can strategical plan where we want to go. We work better when we have a mission, a goal, a purpose...and we feel that much better when we achieve it.
I hear people talk about their training and workouts, and MILEAGE. I hear them talk...on what they are doing, but rarely hear them talk about WHY they are doing it? And when racers talk about their training, I hear alot of irrelevant training. They maybe winning some races, and placing well, and its obviously working for them at this time, but can you imagine if they were doing it the correct way?!?....and doing quality training to put a little vrrooom in their race? They would tap into a system they never knew they had....they would be blazing through the finish line.
Well, Candy and Andy do this for athletes. They add the VRRROOOOM!
They spoke to many athletes this past weekend for the Love of the Sport! They coached and taught many athletes who swim, how to become better swimmers. All these athletes Love the Sport too.... XTERRA!