-"your actions speak louder than any word you say"
-sometimes its the lack of action, that is heard the most.
-call into work
-check emails
-Lung Transplant ppt
-Folders for Hershey
-Waterbottles for Sports Med
-Thank Yous for Neonatology CME
-Exton Fair pricing
-is it going to rain?
-play hooky
-check mtb team posts
-mtb ride at 11ish
-cool dewy morning
-long sleeve over new team jersey
-flying the Loweriders colors, red & black.
-long pants with bike padding
-bike in the car
-2 water bottles
- 3 Gu's
-2 bars
-1 green machine
-Feist playing in the car
-taking work calls on the road
-on the road to the park
-English accents on the phone
-French Creek to bike
-Italian Water Dog at home
-American Dogwoods in bloom
-country roads
-t-p-k-e to exit
-toll roads
-enter south entrance
-Scott's run
-Danny's Jeep
-Todd's map
-helmets click
-pedals click
-glance at clock
-sun is shining
-air is warm
-start this way
-are we here?
-no, we are there.
-rather be getting lost here, than at work.
-riding out stress
-preview the course
-if... this is the course?
-as long as I am riding
-find the blue
-no we don't want Boone
-remember the cabins
-this climb?
-yellow to white to orange to blue
-green is beginner
-this looks like it
-here's a trail
-turn around
-we just circled
-long sleeve comes off
-team jersey back on
-8 out of 10
-is this orange
-I think I see purple
-it looks yellow to me
-left on orange
-right on yellow
-purple veers off
-relinquishing the burdens of the past week
-pedal to the medal
-pedal to my knee
-fall down and go boom
-thinking about work too much
-do over
-much better...
-focus on trail..
-weren't we on this trail?
-orange or yellow?
-flippin thorn bush
-eating mosquitos
-low on fluids
-gnarly climb
-this is rocky
-bombed down
-tire flat
-patch it
-pump it
-no go on the patch
-26 tube
-29 wheel
-pump it
-ride on, capi ton!
-stop to ask for directions
-crazy dog
-whats this water barrier doing here?
-do we go up this or down this
-did you see purple?
-no marker here
-so I left my own marker...
-here's purple
-we already went this way
-where is the sun?
-in the sky
-what time is it?
-time to go soon
-been out here for over 2 hrs
-can I have some of your water?
-bomb the green
-great ending to the ride
-Thanks for a great ride, Todd & Danny!
-felt like a new woman after that ride
-hybrids are like single speeds
-easy, care free, and 52 miles to the gallon today
-back in the car
-back to reality
-Feist playing in the car
-Dogwoods, lots of them
-Pink & White
-windows down
-twirling ponytail
-bobbing head
-singing Feist...
-"I feel it all.."
-church steeples
-farm silos
-white ox with horns
-pink trees
-lime green trees
-red trees
-detour onto 113
-Chester Springs creamery
-tiny chicken coup
-chocolate, vanilla, mint chip?
-Dutchess Chocolate Supreme or Geneva Chocolate
-whats the difference
-taste test
-mini spoon
-Dutchess please!
-moo cows
-yummy ice cream cone
-Thank you cows!
-On to sis's house
-Baby GiGi home
-Nephews home
-Nephew hugs
-Aunt Sue Anne you look funny
- you have your race clothes on
-my sis... you look soo cute in the ponytails! and you look good in red.
-need a shower
-visit over
-make a few work emails
-wash off french mud
-play fetch with italian dog
-off to coach track
-4x 400s under 1:30
-kids whine
-and whine
-visit with Mom
-call it a day.
-call it a day.
- I call it "a very good day".