Monday, March 14, 2011

I AH mmm BACK!

Whoa- Its been a year since my last post.. and life in the past year had more twists and turns than any XTERRA course I've done (yet).

But here's a quick run down on last year's (2010) race madness!!
-Miami Int'l Triathlon- 3rd in my age group (ended up in the hospital next day- caught a virus- March)
-LA Marathon- ran with my BFF, J9- 4:10 (one week after Miami tri - March)
-Boston Marathon- 3:31 (I friggin LOVE this marathon!!! April)
-XTERRA King of the Hill- 3rd overall- 1st in age group ( I remember I didn't feel like racing this race and thats never a good sign, but I love this closest to home course- May)
-70.3 Eagleman June (they started an hour later in the heat, changed the swim and it was more than 1.5 miles, decent bike, and completely melted on the run- and thats the last time I will do this race- and a big thanks to my friends for not letting me camp in the high school parking lot)
-XTERRA Richmond June (had a complete endo pre-viewing the course, had to switch out my brakes & gears b/c they broke on the endo, and then my pedal broke off about mile 3 into the bike during the race- all I could ask myself is "WTF"*- placed 4th in my age group and qual'd for ITU world champs in Spain '11- I had a great time with friends)
-XTERRA Mountain Champs Beaver Creek- July (very glad I raced Colorado, up against the altitude & athletes. I held my ground with all that climbing. I Loved racing & being in the Rockies!!- had a great time with friends)
Century ride- July- 100 mile ride for American Cancer Society.
-XTERRA Appalachia- loved this race venue- great course for all 3 areas!
-XTERRA Bear Creek- called in sick to this race :(
-Livestrong Challenge Philly - August 100 miles on the bike (One of the best experiences, and one of the proudest moments as Team Captain.)
-XTERRA  Schiff Scout- August (3rd overall?? I was in 1st until the run- I ran off course and did a mile more on the run... another wtf* race- had a great time with friends)
-70.3 Syracuse- September (was ready to end my tri season 2 days before this race- had a great time with friends.)
-XTERRA USA Champs- a week after Syracuse. (should've ended my season 2 days before Syracuse- or maybe it was the fall in the parking lot before my preview - had another great time with friends;)
-New York City Marathon- November. "Team Plaid" very meaningful, ran in memory of my dad & my niece, Gianna. I will run this again. 3:36 - had a great time with friends & family.

that sums it up for last year (I may have missed a few races to post here)... but yeah... people think I am nuts. But I think some people are nuts too ;) - also find them interesting & fascinating people, and friends with most of them!
If you asked me if I would do it all over again.. I would say "ABSOLUTELY"!!  If you ever think you're going to have the perfect race, you might- but where's the fun in perfect?
*refers to What The Fairy? (really... I like to keep this blog pg13) but if you were there when I fell on the endo, the fairies were screaming lots of painful words!